8:26 AM


Well, I heard from my first graduate school and I didn't get into Cincinnati. So scratch that whole entry about "I could really live here" because Cinicinnati can suck it. Okay really I'm more disappointed than full of rage, but whatever works to get the emotion out.

I had three favorite parts of yesterday:
1. Having yet another amazing one-on-one with Megan. She is such a good listener and makes me feel so good about myself when I'm feeling like a complete failure. I only hope that I mean that much to someone else.
2. Each person that I talked to after I found out about the play didn't laugh at me for trying out - they just realized that I really hurt and responded to that. I was grateful for having a lot of hugs because under it all, I'm just an emotional girl that needs a good hug once in a while.
3. In rehearsal, our director stopped the orchestra and said, "C'mon strings, that was too chaste-sounding." And Matt Kiefer replies, "Sorry guys, that was my fault." Man, that completely made my day.

Funny how even in a blog I don't want to share what's really going on inside.
I'm just sick of rejection. That's all.

7:14 PM

Free time? What's that?

So, I had a whole two days where I had a 6 hour break in the middle of the day to do basically nothing and I thoroughly enjoyed them. But I love being busy, so the fact that my weekend and next week are pretty booked has me excited.

I basically have told just about everyone I know that I've started training for a half-marathon, but I have no idea who reads this (does anyone?) so that's definitely one of the new things in my life that has me really excited. I plan on cross-training on Tuesdays and Fridays doing cycling and pilates, respectively, if anyone cares to join me. It'll be lots of fun. Also, if you know any fun long runs around Chapel Hill (in the 5 and 6 mile range) let me know.

I'm also starting to volunteer more since I have lots of time on the weekends, so tomorrow I get to play with kitties at the Animal Rescue Shelter!!! I'm so excited - sorry if you're a dog person (which most people are)- but I absolutely love cats, so I couldn't be happier.

Midterms seem to damper this excitement. Studying? Should I really have to study as a second-semester senior??? Unfortunately, I just can't slack off in school - it's not in my nature. Hence this semi-coherent entry as a result of 2 large cups of coffee and a late night study session (yes, 10:30 is late for me. I'm such an old lady).
Incidentally, I found out that I got an 88 on my Geography exam instead of a 70, so that was a wonderful surprise.