My newest discovery: Workout videos on the Instant Play list on Netflix.
Seriously, it's amazing. I hook up my speakers to my computer, roll out my yoga mat, and go through 45 minutes of Slim and Sleek Fast, or Fat Burning Ab Attack. All from the comfort of my home, where no one will see just how pitifully out of shape my abs are. I do 2 sets of crunches and I'm in pain. Apparently, I will have a six pack in four weeks (hah, right).
Also, it's getting really beautiful here. Spring has arrived and we set our clocks forward tomorrow, so I might actually get to see the sun when I leave whatever basement I'm working in. This week I went running on the beach, and it was glorious. I'm really happy to have my foot back in working order so that I can get beach ready.
I need to get out of the city - I'm thinking of taking a trip to San Diego and Santa Barbara in a couple of weeks. Sundresses and flip flops - that's my ideal spring break.
Oh, and I'm playing the Bach B minor mass here tonight (sorry the pics are so small):
Dear immune system,
I'm not really sure what I did to you to make me deserve this constant sickness, but seriously, I can't believe I'm sick for the FIFTH time this winter. I have pumped you full of vitamin C, I have exercised (maybe not as consistently as I would like, but no one's perfect), and I have treated my body kindly. Please, enlighten me as to what you want from me, because I really can't figure it out!!! I know I was stressed out this last week and I do appreciate you holding off the nasty runny nose until after my audition, but I think I've paid my sick dues for the entire year so far. Let's talk and see if we can't work something out- I want to get back to where we were last year, when things were good.
I'm in love with my SELF magazine. It's the best reading material I've had in a while (trashy vampire novels don't count).
At the end of every month, when I'm eating badly again and stupid things like an injured foot have hindered me from going to the gym, it re-motivates me and makes me feel really good about myself. What women's magazine actually leaves the reader feeling like they are beautiful and just inspired to push that little extra more to feel beautiful? SELF does. No, I'm not getting paid to say this (I wish!)
There are several things that amuse me during my day staring at a computer.
#1 : - cats, cats, cats. I can stop laughing at some of the titles. For you, Christa, this picture:Related to this site, and just as funny, is FAILblog and Failbooking. Random laughter erupts from behind my office door fairly frequently.
#2: Live off Groupon videos. I really really wanted to apply for this, but logistics got in the way. Like, paying off student loans, for one. BUT I like looking at everyone else's videos.
This girl has my vote. Very creative.
I was at the gym yesterday, on the elliptical machine.
There was so much to distract my attention from my burning thighs! On my right was SFCM's New Music Ensemble director (Nicole Paiement) on the stair master reading a score with headphones on. Dork! Haha, but hilarious - and a very intelligent use of workout time - at the same time.
Also, the TVs in front of me were simultaneously running The Millionaire Matchmaker (soooo entertaining), the UNC basketball game (I really can't watch them any more, they're too painful), and the news about the Sea World trainer that got killed by the killer whale. I also had music on and was reading my magazine. My brain was so confused! I didn't know where to look!
I think I ended up just getting off the elliptical and doing weights in the other room. Sorry if that's anti-climactic.
My New World Symphony audition is tomorrow. Ack! I guess I should be practicing right now.
Other upcoming events:
Tonight: Magik*Magik performs with the Dodos at the Palace of Fine Arts. I'm going to be there from 5-midnight. Fun times.
Tomorrow: Video recording session with the Dodos. Also, I'm performing on a composition dept. recital. Oh yeah, and my audition somewhere in between. Glad I like being busy.
Sunday: Coaching a flute choir in Redwood City. Not sure what this is going to entail - I'm filling in for a friend while she goes skydiving. I've played in flute choirs before, but I'm not sure how to approach coaching one. I'm just going to rely on my musician instincts - they haven't let me down before.
I'm looking forward to next week because of this show and a possible music video shoot the following day with the Dodos. However, I'm not looking forward to the fact that we have a late evening show the day before my New World audition, which is immediately preceded by the video shoot, and immediately followed by a composer's recital I'm playing on, which is immediately followed by a trip to North Beach to see a Michael Jackson cover band (okay, that part is gonna be awesome).
I'm trying really hard to get into the 'important audition' mindset. It's tough when I'm not surrounded by the people that I'm competing against. I just need to have a picture of Miami and Michael Tilson Thomas in front of me every time I pull out my flute.