5:37 PM

The little things in life

It is really easy to make me happy. My birthday was one of the best I've had and it was perfect for all the little reasons:
- Christa made buttons to wear when we went out and mine said "Birthday Girl"
- scavenger photo hunt - need I say more.
- Matt sent me an article on twins
- Preston and Angie came!
- I was dubbed the Goddess of .... something. Dang, I should remember this better.
- The bars we went to (with the exception of Coyote Ugly) were classy, quiet, and unique. We even had a mini-trip back to Europe!
- I barely got tipsy, which is an indication that night was truly fun just because I was with my favorite people.
- We ate at Waffle House
- We had quite the collection of awful pick-up lines including, "Where would you shop around here?"
- Jonathan put two postage stamps on the card he sent me just to make sure that nothing would get in the way of it getting to me.
- The bartender paid for my drink.
- I wore my green shirt

That's about it. It was just the right mixture of low-key and all-about-me. Haha. I mean, I gotta be honest, right?

Christa's leaving in less than a week :( But she will have the time of her life, so it's okay!


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