I finally took the time to upload some of my pictures onto the computer. Thus a pictoral tour of my new apartment and roommates. And of course, some Halloween fun.
This is my room and some of the free furniture that I got. The dresser is in good condition, no??This is the view from my room. And it's what makes those extra hundred dollars completely worth living here.
Our cute kitchen. It's actually quite large and doesn't look like it in the picture.
My Mrs. Jiminy Cricket costume. I made the wings myself and they really took a beating when I went out on the Saturday before Halloween. How funny that I partied harder that night than on actual Halloween.
My roommate, Courtney, and I at the Goleta Lemon Festival. Lemon beer, lemon bars, and lemon-colored frisbees.
Blog Archive
- As promised
- Behind these hazel eyes
- The costume dilemma
- I love my job
- What's new in my life
- Don't you hate it when...
- I just spent an hour laughing my face off from the...
- A long haul
- R.I.P
- Why i don't have a roommate
- Lots of firsts
- Here are some long overdue pictures from my trip t...
- Men are like food
- Crazy week/blessed day
- You know you have a hard workout when you wish all...
- It's been a long day...
One of my favorite things to do is to sing at the top of my lungs to upbeat music while driving down the highway on a beautiful day. This happened multiple times today and it made my day very enjoyable.
I feel like so much is going on in my head and that the dam is about to burst and I will feel something - either panic at the few months ahead or a need for activity or something. But for now I feel almost apathetic. I'm watching from overhead and just nodding, as if I have no control over the days that pass. October flew by. I have so much to do for graduate school!! At the same time, it's nice to actually have a deadline for something because it will actually motivate me. Whereas recently I've just been living from day to day. Nothing wrong with either approach.
I feel that the more time I spend here and the more engrossed I get in my day to day life the harder it is to stay in touch. It was so easy over the summer and now talking to someone once a week is something that I have to consciously remind myself to do. Even then, only about 40% do I actually dial said person. (there is no specific one... it applies to all)
Halloween this year has actually been fun. I just got back from a flute studio party and I carved a rockin pumpkin and in general just had good hang out time. Then last night I visited downtown and had fun in the club but then ended up babysitting those that drank too much. So it was a really fun evening followed by a frustrating late evening/morning. Which reminds me that since I got in at 4:30 this morning, I really need to go to bed. Night!
Every year, I ask myself, 'Will I dress up?'
As the years progress, the older I get and the less I want to dress up. I don't know whether it's a lack of creativity or a very strong aversion to the many many girls that become sluts on this one hallowed eve. I have a problem with slutty-anything-Disney. Like Snow White, Cinderella, or even Dorothy. It's just wrong.
Sorry, I'm off my rant for now. So I decided that this was the year I was going to stop. I didn't want to participate in the Del Playa Rd. drunken walk that is identical to Franklin St. except a bigger (?) deal apparently. So I didn't see any need to get all creative and costumed up. Until I met my roommate, Courtney. And then that all changed.
So now I'm going as Mrs. Jiminy Cricket (a variation of the grasshopper that I was going to be, but with a top hat and a short black jacket) and she's going as a ladybug. I think the fact that I got to dress all in green and make my own wings and still be cute is what roped me in. I still feel like I'm being more adult about it because we're having a potluck dinner here before going downtown and seeing all the hooplah. It should actually be a lot of fun.
Besides all the Halloween stuff, there's a lot else going on, hence the not writing a lot. I just fill my days with working out, errands, work, and hanging out with my roommates. It's not an exciting life, but I really love it right now.
I would also like to add that today is October 26th and it was a toasty 76 today. I love California. Eat your heart out, those who have cold weather and snow. The only thing that saddens me is that I might not be able to use my very cool fireplace.
Tonight, I met some fellow Tarheels and it was so much fun! I really love my job because I get to talk about myself all the time and get to call it work. All I have to do is stand there with a tray or something that I've been passing and talk to my customers about my life and theirs and I get paid to do it! Oh, all the getting them food stuff is the easy part and takes about 1 hour total out of the 5 or 6 hours that I'm at work.
So I met this couple that I talked to the entire half hour break that I took around 10:00 and I didn't even mind the fact that I never really sat down all night. Then the bride's parents were both alums of Carolina and talked my ear off for about 20 minutes about how the mom used to be a cheerleader and asking me where I lived and hung out, etc. Then I got my name out at a museum that we were catering at right across the street and they might hire me as a background musician. That's really what makes working worthwhile - when I make connections in the music world.
I have to add that since I was the bartender at the museum gig, I had a little something something before getting back to the restaurant. Completely unprofessional, but it made the night soooo much more fun and easier to get through. I was just more social with my customers, that's all.
Tomorrow is a double at work, but I don't think I'll be pulling the 13 hours that I did last week. My co-worker/ on and off fling boy is having a party tomorrow night to celebrate his bday and has invited the world to it. It's in Isla Vista and is your typical college party and I'm really debating going. One of my other co-workers, Mariano, will be going and I think as long as I stick w/ him and leave when he does I'll be okay. I just don't trust myself around Cameron (fling boy) and there will be a million and one underage slutty college girls to distract him so I don't expect to actually be noticed.
There's just nothing much going on in my life and I'm filling up each day with lots of activities and finally have a routine, so I don't feel like blogging much. I actually feel like I'm not as good about keeping in touch w/ y'all. So sorry if I haven't called recently - it's not because I don't want to know what you're up to.
- avocadoes and/especially guacamole
- lifting weights for upper body strength
- staying up late and sleeping in (this summer I had gone to old lady status going to bed at 9 at night, but the young twenty-something is back in full force)
- eating some types of mushrooms - I never thought I would say that.
- a fabulous room and even more fabulous roommates
- learning Spanish. Que hora es? Son los tres menos quince de manana. Soy loco! (Feel free to correct me... that's what learning is all about)
- discovered Pandora.com - really really cool music website that introduces you to lesser known artists that sound very similar to bands/singers you already like.
Okay, seriously it's 3 in the morning and I need to go to bed.
you're on a different schedule than your friends?
Last night I was bone tired and went to bed the second I got home, even though my roommates and probably everyone else was out partying. Tonight I got off work early and both of the guys that I had plans with flaked and then my roommate went to bed the second I got home.
Fortunately, I curled up with a glass of wine and a movie on my laptop and I was semi-content. I really wanted to get my groove on in a club, but you can't have that every week I guess.
I have a day off! I'm so excited I don't know what I'll do first - work out or practice. Both might sound boring, but I like having my routine.
Oh, and I have my camera back - I will post pics of my apartment and life in Cali soon.
I just spent an hour laughing my face off from the "best of" craig's list. I don't even remember how I got to the website, but this one is one of my favorites.
It ties in perfectly with Friday night's customers at the restaurant. I called it PDA night because no joke - every table that I had had a couple at it making out. Seriously people!!!! Don't make out in a restaurant!!!! No one wants to see that!!
Oh man, I'm still exhausted from my 13 hour day yesterday. And I have to go in today too. I think I'll lie in bed until then...
I'm in the middle of a very long shift at work. Well, they're letting me come home and sleep and check my email, but seriously, I'm basically not going to be leaving this weekend except to sleep.
I had a long evening tonight and then tomorrow I'm working from 11 until who knows when b/c we have 150 people coming in for dessert at 10:30 at night and there's not really any stopping in between. But I'm getting paid overtime to be there and it'll be good bonding time for me and my co-workers. They really do make working there bearable.
So the day that I got my beloved camera back my iPod dies. I have the worst luck w/ technology sometimes!
Okay -- since I'm not going to be available this weekend to actually call anyone, I need some advice online. I met a guy at Colleen's wedding and he was a nice guy, but I didn't feel an amazing connection or anything. Well, he has called me on a regular basis (about 2 or 3 times a week) since then. We're talking a month and a half at this point. Recently he's been calling when I've been busy and I haven't called him back. Frankly, I just don't have anything to say to him and we really don't have all that much to talk about. I just have no idea how to even approach the situation because if I call him, he'll think I'm interested. I really really don't want to have a DTR with someone where there is no relationship and I'm passive aggressive anyway. But I also don't want to be the person that just never answer his calls and hopes he gets the message. Advice?
Talk about working with some characters... tonight my friend Mariano comes up to me and says "I'm really messed up right now." Apparently he did coke in the middle of his shift. Then Cameron decided that it would be fun for one of the girls to put mascara and lip gloss on him. Something tells me he might have been a little messed up too. You can tell I've been working around them too long when this really doesn't shock me. I've actually have sort of become one of the guys, which I have mixed feelings about.
Gah, I really need to go to bed! Away, blasted computer!
My iPod just died.
I'm not really sure how I can continue on in life.
While these past 5 days have been fun because they've been full of activity, I haven't had a whole lot of time to just sit around. I know, I know, if I'm not complaining about not having enough to do, I'm complaining about being too busy. There's just no pleasing me.
Today was the day that everyone moved in and it's been a lot of fun so far. I was working, then meeting someone for coffee, so I didn't even get back until 6 and then I hung out with my new roommates! They're super cool and very chill and fun to just talk to. But by 10, I was needing my own space. Since I haven't gotten my bed yet (it's coming thursday), I'm still staying in the guest room, but it's my own room that I can go to and shut my door.
It's the best of both worlds - you have your own room, your own space (and quite a large one, I might add. I really want to take pictures soon), but you can mingle with your friends whenever you want. I know most people have already experienced the apartment thing, but I really haven't yet, so it's an exciting time for me. One of my roommates, Courtney, has brought everything she owns and has filled our kitchen and has a membership to Costco - so we can go grocery shopping together! Sweet!
But I'm exhausted and I really like my alone time. So I'm going to bed early and then I'm going to get up, go to my cycling class, go shopping for my new room, and then go to work. Another busy day, but I think with my new roommates I will never really be bored with lots of down time. Which is actually a really good thing.
I'm really excited about the next 7 months!!! I think I have 3 new friends that will do lots of stuff with me, finally.
I went to a gay bar last night.
Man, I really never thought that would happen, but it did and it was completely unintentional. And I have to say, it was a whole lot of fun. I think it's because you can go there and know that you're not going to have to dance with some sweaty Mexican or disgustingly drunk frat boy. I went with some of my co-workers, one of whom is gay and a sweetheart and we had the best time.
I think it surprised my co-workers to see me let loose. I'm apparently really uptight in situations where I feel like I have to prove myself, mostly work and school. I let my hair down last night and the shock of the guys I was with was equivalent to that of my fellow study abroad students when I showed up drunk (off of champagne) to class after we won the basketball championship. They just don't see it coming.
Also today was the first time that I've ever signed a lease to rent a place of dwelling. I'm a real adult now! And can I say it was just the tiniest bit stressful. There are ten zillion rules and things that you're responsible for and it was a little overwhelming, especially since out of my four roommates, I'm the one that has committed to staying the longest.
Oops, gotta go. Wow, I just got 3 calls in the span of a minute. No joke.
Here are some long overdue pictures from my trip to San Francisco. I think next time I will want to do stuff besides all the touristy things b/c I didn't fall in love with the city like everyone else I know on the west coast. I haven't met a single person who hasn't had some sort of "oooh that's my favorite city" comment when I talk about SF.
I wish I had pictures of the conservatory. So far, that's my favorite part about the city. That and the 4-story tall Williams-Sonoma. And the glass elevator. And Ghiradelli chocolate. And... Okay, so I like San Francisco.
Apparently, the day that we walked the Golden Gate Bridge was one of the clearest of the summer.
On the other side of the bridge (it's a mile and a half long and my mom and I walked both ways) it's super windy. Note my 'bug eye' sunglasses. I couldn't find a single pair of normal sized ones when I had to replace my old ones. Sheesh.
I want my camera back so that I can post more pictures and show that I do have a life here. Stupid new camera that broke...
So right now I'm just wasting time until work this afternoon. We have yet another wedding to do today. I've worked a wedding for the past 3 nights. I guess it's just that season, huh? Oh well, no complaints here since I just have to sample the various different kinds of cakes that are out there. Personally I will stay away from the fondant for my wedding. Sure it looks pretty, but who wants to eat something the consistancy of chewing gum?
One more pretty shot of the Golden Gate.
I had an epiphany while eating lunch today. Why are men like food, you ask?
- we (women) crave what's bad for us
- after we've had what's bad for us, generally we feel a little nauseous, and yet quite satisfied
- eventually we'll end up having food that's good for us and realize that it's way tastier than the junk food we ate before. Then we'll wonder why we wasted all that time with french fries, etc.
- then we fall off the bandwagon and crave what's bad for us again
- most people have certain foods they avoid altogether, while others are more adventurous and will try anything once.
Okay, so the analogy is a little stretched. But I liked it at the time.
Plus, I love eating. I'm definitely of the type that will try anything once - except mushrooms. Mushrooms are gross (I sorta see the equivalent as druggies... get it? shrooms??).
It is now Thursday. For the past 3 days, I've been running around like crazy because:
-On Tuesday, I found out that there was someone that wanted to live here (in the downstairs portion) and needed a 4th roommate. So we hustled to get all the paperwork done.
- On Wednesday, I had to get a check to my landlady, go to my yoga class, and go to work.
- Today I went to the gym, did laundry, went grocery shopping, mailed some letters, and on the way home found free furniture. Talk about excellent timing!
The day that I find out that I have permanent housing for the rest of my stay in Santa Barbara and that I need to furnish my own room, I find a free bookshelf, dresser, and futon chair all in great condition. Whew! Plus, I've been on the phone with someone just about every hour today b/c it's one of my phone's good days. (I swear there' s a cycle...)
Oh, and every time that I needed help lifting something, either the owner of the furniture was there, or a workman at my house, or the trash man helped. That's right - the SB trash man helped me get my chair into my car. Not to mention the fact that if I didn't have my car (a Chevy Blazer) I wouldn't have been able to move any of that stuff!
So tonight I'm going to enjoy the fact that I have lots of good food in the house, then go to an Irish pub to hear one of my friends play in an Irish band, then watch Grey's Anatomy with some cool people. I'm so blessed.
You know you have a hard workout when you wish all sorts of evil on the instructor and look at the clock desperately hoping that time has run out just to discover that it's only been half an hour.
Also, there were several points where I mentally said, "oh, hellll no" and turned down the resistance on my bike.
Hahahaha. And I still had an amazing workout and completely deserve the huge pile of nachos that I had for lunch. That is why I love exercise.
Well, I actually got a lot done today, but I can only do so many errands in one day. This whole having a lot of free time thing is not really my cup o' tea.
Thus the reason that I spent an hour and a half at Michael's today trying to find some sort of craft to start so that I don't go crazy. Of course I didn't find anything that was fitting because if I'm going to spend a lot of time and creativity, I want it to be special and something that I want to keep for a long time b/c I'm not about to go craft crazy just trying to find something to fill my time. So I want one thing that will be a good use of my free time.
As a result of a party that we had at work the other day I had 2 coupons for a free deluxe car wash and I got them b/c the guy that was in charge of handing out awards to the guests was drunk. Hahahahaha. Don't worry, I wasn't the one that got all the coupons from him. I was a second-hand freeloader. The point is, my car is sparkly clean now. Hurrah!
I also got gas today for $2.92. That, folks, is cheap for California. And it keeps going down!
Sigh - you know you have no excitement in your life when you get cheap gas thrills you.
Um, I don't have anything else to share. Sorry. Happy Monday!