12:52 AM

I love my job

Tonight, I met some fellow Tarheels and it was so much fun! I really love my job because I get to talk about myself all the time and get to call it work. All I have to do is stand there with a tray or something that I've been passing and talk to my customers about my life and theirs and I get paid to do it! Oh, all the getting them food stuff is the easy part and takes about 1 hour total out of the 5 or 6 hours that I'm at work.

So I met this couple that I talked to the entire half hour break that I took around 10:00 and I didn't even mind the fact that I never really sat down all night. Then the bride's parents were both alums of Carolina and talked my ear off for about 20 minutes about how the mom used to be a cheerleader and asking me where I lived and hung out, etc. Then I got my name out at a museum that we were catering at right across the street and they might hire me as a background musician. That's really what makes working worthwhile - when I make connections in the music world.

I have to add that since I was the bartender at the museum gig, I had a little something something before getting back to the restaurant. Completely unprofessional, but it made the night soooo much more fun and easier to get through. I was just more social with my customers, that's all.

Tomorrow is a double at work, but I don't think I'll be pulling the 13 hours that I did last week. My co-worker/ on and off fling boy is having a party tomorrow night to celebrate his bday and has invited the world to it. It's in Isla Vista and is your typical college party and I'm really debating going. One of my other co-workers, Mariano, will be going and I think as long as I stick w/ him and leave when he does I'll be okay. I just don't trust myself around Cameron (fling boy) and there will be a million and one underage slutty college girls to distract him so I don't expect to actually be noticed.

There's just nothing much going on in my life and I'm filling up each day with lots of activities and finally have a routine, so I don't feel like blogging much. I actually feel like I'm not as good about keeping in touch w/ y'all. So sorry if I haven't called recently - it's not because I don't want to know what you're up to.