11:39 PM

I'm a lover, not a fighter

I don't think our mutual friend Ben reads my blog, so I'm going to steal an element of his blog because I like it.

Unexpected encounter of the day: Roommate rudeness.

Now, I knew that one of the girls that I was going to be living with is a bit of a "rules" person. She likes to have the place neat, we all have chores, and she doesn't want to mess up her interior decorating. Fine. I have my own room to retreat to.

However, when she decided that my friends and I were being too loud in the hallway, we did not get a "could you please retire to somewhere less communal." We got a shout from the living room saying "you guys have way exceded your hallway time. it's unacceptable." WELL. Way to make sure I don't want to talk to you any time soon, Jessica.

Of course, I didn't say a word. I just motioned us up to my bedroom and we continued our conversation there. Erica was way more peeved than I was.

This is when I wonder, am I ever going to have the guts to stand up to someone and say, you're being rude and I dont' appreciate it? I've had the courage to stand up to someone and tell them I don't agree, but it's always been in a polite way. I've just never been able to be rude to someone when they've been rude to me. It seems like going against the turn the other cheek thing and just not the best way to resolve issues. But when is it okay to retaliate or let someone know that they've done something innappropriate?

By nature, I've always been passive aggressive, always coming up with wonderful retorts about 2 hours later. I would like to think that as time goes on, I'm finding a better balance between keeping it all bottled in and lashing out at anyone that does me an injustice.

I knew she wasn't going to be easy to live with, but honestly, things could be a lot worse and my room is too awesome to let her get to me.