10:42 PM

BART and Bears and Drunkards, oh my

Well, it's the time for my weekly blog. I really don't plan this, I just realize that it's been forever since I've blogged and that those that read should be updated on what goes on in my life, however mundane it may seem to me.

I have officially signed up for classes and am taking 16 hours. To any normal Carolina student, that looks like a fairly normal load. But when you consider that I'm really only taking 2 classes that each have 3 credits, you start to wonder (or at least I do) if graduate school is just a joke and an excuse to pay people loads of money. No really, I'm actually ecstatic that my weekly flute lessons count for 4 credits - which in case you weren't counting, is actually MORE than a regular class. These conservatories actually have it right!!

I finally have pictures of my room, but seeing as it's almost 11 (aka 2 in the morning to any normal 20-year old) I am way too tired and lazy to post them tonight. You shall all soon see the splendor that is my room.


I have officially decided that after these two years I will either live with one other person or by myself. None of this 3 other girls thing. It just doesn't work. Every time I get home from being away for 13+ hours, I find myself hoping and praying that no one is home and if I lived by myself, this wouldn't be a worry. Thank you Captain Obvious.

In other news, I'm gaining weight like crazy and plan on getting back onto my running routine for the third time since I've moved out to San Francisco. I swear, it's just all of these weird transitions that have got me getting out of a routine. I'm sure once I have school, work, and work study to tackle all in one day I'm going to be stopping running again, but at least I have my breaking point that tells me that I have to start exercising again or else I will need to buy a new wardrobe. Why, oh why can't I have one of those metablolisms that girls like Jennifer Smith have where they eat everything in sight and can't gain a pound. It's so not fair.

Highlights and lowlights of the past week (you decide which):

  • getting stuck on the light rail system for 2 hours travelling from the East Bay back to the city after the 72,000 fans left Berkeley from the biggest and first football game of the season. I didn't even go to the stupid game but got stuck with all the drunkards!! grrrrrr
  • seeing my friend, Bonnie, from Santa Barbara and buying new makeup
  • getting a free fresh baguette from the local sourdough factory
  • having the next 5 days off of work
  • finding out one of my roommates is paying significantly less rent than I and not being able to say anything
  • getting into the gig program where I get offered jobs and get paid $80/hour through the school
  • not having to work on Labor Day/not getting to work on Labor Day and get paid time and a half
I suppose that's all for now. I keep looking for good flights now that SF has Southwest flights, but Thanksgiving deals are already hard to come by.....