7:12 PM

I'm an adult

Today I did a lot of things that made me realize that I really have grown up.

I opened a new checking and savings account at a different bank because my current one is not in California! I am officially 21 which means that I don't need to have a parent co-sign with me, but I had my mom come with me because she's the accountant in the family and knows when I'm getting screwed over or when I'm getting a good deal. It was nice to have her there just to okay what I was doing.

I also bought a very expensive jewelry box as a graduation gift to myself from some of the money I got. It's beautiful and will last me a very, very long time. It's wood and is 8 or 10 inches high and a little wider and is made out of really nice wood that is varnished and polished. There are all sorts of fun compartments for earrings and bracelets. All this to say, I made a very grown up purchase because it is truly a piece of furniture that will go wherever I go.

I packed up my room - meaning I've been throwing out all my college notebooks and only keeping a few select papers and throwing out all the junk I've collected over the years. It's actually really refreshing to be keeping only the necessary items or ones that I really like and starting over in a new place. I don't feel like I'm toting a whole lot of crap into a new segment of my life.

I told my mom that I drink - this is a BIG deal. To my family, this is like me deciding to move in with my boyfriend. Except even that doesn't shock people nowadays. Hmm - I'll come up with an equivalent. Well it didn't go over well, but I'm 21 so there's nothing she or my dad can say to stop me and it just made me feel like I really am a grown person that can make my own decisions and stick by them. I have absolutely no regrets and still don't feel bad about myself. I've made choices and they have become a part of who I am. So my mom and I have been pretending like I never said it and I suppose that's fine for me for now.

Well, that's about it I guess. Tomorrow starts my marathon of work in which I will spend the next 10 days moving Williams-Sonoma to the new store at the other side of the shopping mall (about 50 feet no joke). So I'm working 10 hour days and I have to get up really early. Hence why I am signing off now.


Megan said...

Yay for adulthood!