6:11 AM

Just when I thought I was mature

I then decide to go out with a 30-year-old. Gosh that sounds so much worse than 29.

Well, I had fun dancing and boy it makes a difference to be with someone that really knows how. The only catch is that you end up feeling incompetent next to this person that is making you dance in circles. I thought I improved by the end of the night though...

The funny part is that going into this, I thought I would totally have the upper hand and be the one to decide if there was going to be another date, but by the end of the night it was him that was being unresponsive. I definitely felt the 9 years difference between us because we just didn't have anything to talk about. We're just in COMPLETELY different parts of our lives. He thinks its fun to just take a weekend trip to the Bahamas and I'm wondering how I'm going to pay to fly to Cincinnati in a few months. Also, he was the one that decided we should go (I think I wore him out working hard for both of us :) ) and he said nothing about anything in the future.

Sad. Just when I thought I was the one in control, he goes and takes even that from me. Well, all I can say is that I looked hot, so that's gotta count for something.

Oh man, if there are more pepole that read this besides the ones I know, I share waaaaay more about my life than I probably should in a blog.


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