I had a really frustrating lesson today. I realize that every lesson can't be precisely perfect, but I want my teacher to pat me on the back and say 'well done.' And that just didn't happen today. I went in with the same music and I got the same comments that I did last week and it just made for a very deja vu moment. I guess I think about the fact that I really don't have a lot of lessons and that the one hour spent with my teacher is very precious and the fact that I basically had the same lesson twice is extremely frustrating.
Also to be told that my whole work this week in the practice rooms didn't really do much wasn't fun to hear either. Oh well, everyone needs one of those bad weeks to get them working again.
I've been stuck in the same routine for the past few weeks and really need to get out of it badly. I need to go for a day trip somewhere, go for a hike, go look at the Redwood Forest, or SOMETHING. Maybe it's because the weather here is beautiful, finally. When it's so warm and sunny out I just feel cooped up in a practice room. Good thing the weather only lasts like this for about 2 weeks out of the year. Otherwise I would have some attention span issues.
I was remarking to one of my friends that I really needed to get a sign to put in the window of my car and she smartly replied, 'Yes. Step #1 in selling a car is advertising.' Okay, she was being a smart ass, but it's true. I think that posting every week on Craigslist is sufficient, but honestly, it would be so awesome if someone just came up to me, and said, 'I love your car; is it for sale?' Fat chance.
Ooh, I just looked at my blog page and it said that my last post was #200. Woot.
It's really humorous how my perspective on homework has changed since being at a conservatory. I've had one big essay to write, one exam to prepare for, and some homework to do for a class this week. And somehow, I feel completely overwhelmed with work, like every time I have a free hour I'm doing homework. Of course, I've also gotten very used to not having to do any work when I get home from school so my mind is blown when I *gasp* horror of horrors have to actually open a book during the week!
Today has just been one of those days where I feel a little blue, I feel like everyone's getting sick of me and I'm being a clingy friend and my practicing is just plain sucky. Thankfully, tomorrow is Friday and after the big party life can return to normal.
I hate being told that someone is into me because then I get all self-conscious around them and don't act like myself. I would much rather be oblivious, but I guess you have to start somewhere...
I haven't blogged in a while mainly because it's been a couple weeks of stuff happening all at once and then mundane stuff taking over the rest of the time.
Let's see: I cried for pretty much no reason on Friday night except that I was extremely tired and worried about money for the zillionth time this month. Oh and I was having 'female issues' aka PMS. That always helps.
We have another concert this Saturday and our orchestra is not ready at all. I only have two rehearsals before we perform and as principal flute, I'm quite nervous about our unpreparedness.
Friday is my roommate Erica's birthday and I'm throwing a make-your-own-pizza party for her where all the guests bring their own toppings and we provide the dough, sauce, and cheese. I think it'll be fun and there is a good diverse group coming. I'm sure I'll have pictures.
I've decided to have a recital in the spring, so if you're looking for something to do in March, you can come hear me play! I've got some really hard stuff on the program, plus for our concerto competition we have to play the entire work, which means all three movements of a concerto memorized. I've got my work cut out for me.
My mom left on Friday, but she'll be back for three weeks starting next Sunday. Somehow I don't think that we'll be going out to dinner every other night when she gets back, but it'll be really nice to have her close and be able to grab coffee or have a shoulder to cry on when I'm being irrational. And stuff.
And finally, I have the next two days technically free of all obligations. I'm still getting up early to sign out practice rooms for the whole week, but I have nowhere that I absolutely have to be and I'm going to milk it. I like having a couple of days to just get my life slowly sorted out again and do homework so that when the end of the week comes, I'm not horribly horribly stressed.
My new job is both scary and really fun because I have a whole lot of power in the school.
I was trained tonight as a stage manager and it's cool because I have access to all the keys for all the pianos in the school, I can control the lights in the recital hall and concert hall (very high tech stuff) and I make sure that recitals and concerts run smoothly. And I get paid minimum wage to do it. The power makes it all worthwhile.
It's slightly nerve-wracking to be the one person that could make a difference between the best recital you give and the one where everything goes wrong, all based on whether the lighting is right or whether your accompanist misses a page turn. At the same time, I love being the person that everyone comes to with questions and to be the one that gives orders to my minions (otherwise known as ushers).
It's good to have my mom in town for a little bit because I can see her on my schedule and she has a lot to be doing during the times that I'm busy, which would be this entire week. However, I was just starting to be good about what I eat and then I get taken out to dinner and reintroduced to this world of non-poor-starving-student-food. I wish I had time to exercise - this whole running a half-marathon in the summer thing is not looking too good right now. My exercise is running up and down stairs at school because we only have 2 elevators in the whole building.