11:21 PM

Power trip

My new job is both scary and really fun because I have a whole lot of power in the school.

I was trained tonight as a stage manager and it's cool because I have access to all the keys for all the pianos in the school, I can control the lights in the recital hall and concert hall (very high tech stuff) and I make sure that recitals and concerts run smoothly. And I get paid minimum wage to do it. The power makes it all worthwhile.

It's slightly nerve-wracking to be the one person that could make a difference between the best recital you give and the one where everything goes wrong, all based on whether the lighting is right or whether your accompanist misses a page turn. At the same time, I love being the person that everyone comes to with questions and to be the one that gives orders to my minions (otherwise known as ushers).

It's good to have my mom in town for a little bit because I can see her on my schedule and she has a lot to be doing during the times that I'm busy, which would be this entire week. However, I was just starting to be good about what I eat and then I get taken out to dinner and reintroduced to this world of non-poor-starving-student-food. I wish I had time to exercise - this whole running a half-marathon in the summer thing is not looking too good right now. My exercise is running up and down stairs at school because we only have 2 elevators in the whole building.