6:47 PM


Ooh, I just looked at my blog page and it said that my last post was #200. Woot.

It's really humorous how my perspective on homework has changed since being at a conservatory. I've had one big essay to write, one exam to prepare for, and some homework to do for a class this week. And somehow, I feel completely overwhelmed with work, like every time I have a free hour I'm doing homework. Of course, I've also gotten very used to not having to do any work when I get home from school so my mind is blown when I *gasp* horror of horrors have to actually open a book during the week!

Today has just been one of those days where I feel a little blue, I feel like everyone's getting sick of me and I'm being a clingy friend and my practicing is just plain sucky. Thankfully, tomorrow is Friday and after the big party life can return to normal.

I hate being told that someone is into me because then I get all self-conscious around them and don't act like myself. I would much rather be oblivious, but I guess you have to start somewhere...