4:02 PM

I love travelling

But I also love getting back to the place that I live and catching up on everything that has accumulated over the past few days. I love reading 20 emails instead of checking every day and only getting a couple good ones. I love going grocery shopping. Heck, I'm even slightly excited about packing today and moving tomorrow. Note, however, that I am blogging before I face that daunting task and before I attempt to practice after many days off.

I want more of my friends to get married. This is simply because weddings are so much fun and you get treated like royalty even if you're not the bride. It's a time of celebration and joviality and a little bit of stress just to keep it realistic.

Colleen's wedding was beautiful, classy, and fun. It was the best wedding that I've been to to date. I was so relaxed the entire time except when I had to play for the service and I was horribly out of tune - not good when a majority of the bridal party are musicians. I got a manicure, which besides a pedicure is one of my favorite pasttimes and I wish I had the money to get one every couple weeks because I totally would. I also just got to meet lots of really sweet people and see what it's like to have a huge family with relations everywhere. Too bad I'm not the one getting married into either family because now I know everyone and I probably won't see any of them ever again. Oh well, it was still great getting to know these amazing families.

I also got to act as a bridesmaid and was there for Colleen's last night as a single woman in which we got smashed and laughed for an hour about a washcloth in the toilet. Yup, it was one of those nights. It was so nice to see everyone having such a good time the entire weekend and Colleen was the opposite of a bridezilla - she just went with the flow and sometimes took the lead when a decision had to be made.

There were several sad stories accompanying such a great weekend and they all had to do with the stupidity that is airport security. On my way out, I had just gotten off of work the day before and gone straight to the train station, so I packed my apron with my other belongings. When my suitcase was scanned in the xray machine, they saw my wine opener and because I had already checked a bag and didn't want to go through it all over again, I had to surrender it. Grr! I paid good money for that stupid corkscrew. On my way back, I had just bought a bottle of water and was unscrewing it when I got in line for the security scanners. The guy in charge looked at my bottle and told me that I would have to throw it out. I know the rule about liquids, but I figured since it was extremely obvious that I had just bought it, I could get away with it. Wrong. I had to leave the line, down my refreshingly cold H2O and get back in line sans water bottle. Grr times two.

Well, I get to go travel some more in a couple weeks when I visit my mom in San Fransisco. Besides that, I'm hoping to make some more money at the restaurant and get settled into my new place. Life is good!