4:19 PM

Pet peeves

One of my biggest ones is people not calling when they say they will. However, since I am usually an exceedingly forgiving person (to the point that its sorta bad), I will usually accept just about any excuse when they do get around to calling me. This is not directed at my friends b/c I can talk to them anytime I want and I'm used to being the initiator. This is directed at people that I don't know very well that are still in the stages of "make a good impression on me."

Technology has hated me today. I've called numerous people only to get answering machines, I've gotten on IM for a good minute and attempted to talk to people who have apparently been idle, and my cell phone didn't get a very important text message.

It's just one of those days, I guess.

Good thing I'm going on a semi-vacation tomorrow. I think it'll be good to get out of Santa Barbara for a while.