7:48 PM

More of a blogger than Megan

Whoa, better watch out Megan. I've been writing a whole lot more than you recently. Boo yah.

I'm really glad that my computer can't give me a count of how many times I go online and check my regular websites (email, blogs, craig's list, and facebook - usually in that order). Today would not have been a happy count. I really need to find something to fill my days because you would think that practicing my tail off would be one of them. But no. I go through weekly phases where I'll practice a lot and it'll get me ready for whatever is coming up and then I slack off. Maybe that's all that I need for a year off, but I'm definitely not reaching my full potential. Yikes, I'm harsh on myself.

I did, however, get a lot of reading done today. The book I'm reading now is one that I think every girl should read no matter where they are in life. Since I know at least someone in every category from never been kissed to newly married, this is the book for them. Girls, go out and buy Real Sex: the naked truth about chastity. Correction, if you're Christian and a girl, go out and buy this. It's exactly what I need at this point in my life, but I think it is good for any point in life, as I've said.

Oops, I could go on but Gilmore Girls calls. Yes! Priorities!