8:38 AM

8:30 = sleeping in

I'm such a grandma when that is true.

I also tend to have a pattern of blogging on Sundays. I guess it's really the only day that I feel like I truly have time off. Orientation wasn't too bad, but my brain certainly hurt after my 2 hour music theory test since I had to go straight to work for 8 hours after that. I've met a few new people, mainly one guy that I have a friend in common with, so we've been hanging out, but other than that I've been completely anti-social. Or working. Same difference.

Ummmm I can't think of what else to say. I guess I'll have more news when school starts and I'll know my schedule.

I bought a case (12 bottles) of Charles Shaw - otherwise known as 2 buck Chuck - with Erica and Ryder and with my friend Alexx preceded to drink half of the case. Ouch. Wine and strawberries and good conversation is the classiest way I've ever drank that much. It was a lot of fun actually.

10:24 AM

Chapter ____?

I'm not sure the number of the new chapter I'm about to start in my life, but I'm pretty excited about it nevertheless.

Orientation starts on Tuesday for me and I'll get to start meeting people and proving how much I learned in my undergrad. Okay, well maybe I'll make a fool of myself, but I honestly don't think anyone has seriously studied for these placement tests we have to take. So I think I'll be in good company if I have to take a bunch of review classes. Plus, the ones that will have to take them will probably be the people that took a couple of years off and like me, can't remember for the life of them what they learned 5 years ago.

I'm getting my hair cut next week and I'm also pretty excited about that. No more of this growing it out to give to Locks of Love. Been there, done that. I look cute with short hair and it's easier to maintain. I just wish I could get my red back, but I don't feel like dyeing it myself or paying to get it done. Guess I'll have to be grateful for what God gave me ;)

Other than that, I'm just working, eating, and sleeping. Gee, life has been eventful.

Customer of the week:
The man who tried to haggle with me.

He obviously thought he was in a flea market, not Williams-Sonoma, because he came up to me and offered me 1/2 of the ticket price on a sale item. I half-laughed in his face, then calmly said, 'Sir, I can't give you a price other than what shows up in my computer. Sorry.'

9:26 AM


Yes, my weekend is starting on Sunday. But I have three glorious days off. Of course I have a million and one things to do in those precious 72 hours, but no matter.

My brain is focusing on several important things right now:
#1 I just finished Harry Potter.
Life can resume again. I was blissfully unaware of the fact that the world existed when my nose was buried in that book, but now I suppose it's time to move on. Everyone was right. What a well-written ending. Man, I couldn't put it down during the last 250 pages.

#2 School is starting incredibly soon
I haven't even started studying and have basicallly resigned myself to enrolling in the stupie review classes, but honestly I think I would rather take them. It's been about 4 years since I've taken any generic music classes and it would be a good time to review. Plus I could sure use the extra time to practice (since I'm not expecting these classes to be anywhere close to academically rigorous and could pull a paper out of my butt any time they ask).

#3 My friend Amity is visiting for two days
I'm stoked to see someone that knows me, that knows important things that have happened in my life, and that I am 100% comfortable around. And I get to show her the city! And we get to go eat amazing food and have two days of vacation.

11:39 PM

I'm a lover, not a fighter

I don't think our mutual friend Ben reads my blog, so I'm going to steal an element of his blog because I like it.

Unexpected encounter of the day: Roommate rudeness.

Now, I knew that one of the girls that I was going to be living with is a bit of a "rules" person. She likes to have the place neat, we all have chores, and she doesn't want to mess up her interior decorating. Fine. I have my own room to retreat to.

However, when she decided that my friends and I were being too loud in the hallway, we did not get a "could you please retire to somewhere less communal." We got a shout from the living room saying "you guys have way exceded your hallway time. it's unacceptable." WELL. Way to make sure I don't want to talk to you any time soon, Jessica.

Of course, I didn't say a word. I just motioned us up to my bedroom and we continued our conversation there. Erica was way more peeved than I was.

This is when I wonder, am I ever going to have the guts to stand up to someone and say, you're being rude and I dont' appreciate it? I've had the courage to stand up to someone and tell them I don't agree, but it's always been in a polite way. I've just never been able to be rude to someone when they've been rude to me. It seems like going against the turn the other cheek thing and just not the best way to resolve issues. But when is it okay to retaliate or let someone know that they've done something innappropriate?

By nature, I've always been passive aggressive, always coming up with wonderful retorts about 2 hours later. I would like to think that as time goes on, I'm finding a better balance between keeping it all bottled in and lashing out at anyone that does me an injustice.

I knew she wasn't going to be easy to live with, but honestly, things could be a lot worse and my room is too awesome to let her get to me.

10:24 PM

Feeling more like home

Today was a great day for many reasons.

I got an excellent desk chair for cheap, put my desk together finally, and bought a rug, side table, and organizational tools. Then I unpacked most of my boxes, put them in storage, and significantly cleared out my room. It all sounds really mundane, but it's amazing what a sense of home you can have with everything in their right place. I actually enjoy walking into my room now.

I have to say, I really love my colors. The walls are a light gold, my bed is a cranberry with gold accents, and I have a chocolate rug with gold designs. It feels so warm, which is especially important in this ridiculously cold month we've been having.

Apparently, SF gets an Indian summer, so we'll be having 80 and 90 degree weather in September and October. Fabulous. Everyone's favorite quote here is:

"The coldest winter I experienced was the summer I spent in San Francisco."
- Mark Twain

Secondly, today was great because I actually had free time to do all of the above activities. Lately, my schedule has consisted of go to work, (practice), come home, eat, go to sleep. So again, it's nice to have a place to come crash in that feels like I belong in it.

My roommate, Erica, and I have been hanging out whenever I have a day off and recently we've included a guy that will be a fellow incoming grad student. It's nice to have the guy element to balance out the two females. I'm strongly reminded of my favorite trio from college days, and a little nostalgic, but I know that if there's no competition (hah, good luck with that one) then not only is three not a crowd, it's actually quite a pleasant combination.

The third reason today was great was that the three of us (Erica, Ryder, and I) made pancakes for dinner. Not just any pancakes, either. Banana pancakes. Oh man, were they delicious. There's just something about breakfast for dinner. It's so comforting and satisfying.

My bed calls, as does my early morning. I haven't been running for over a week and it's taking a toll on my body. :/ So the road calls for an early-morning appointment.