4:07 PM


I met a guy today in my store that bought an Emile Henry pie plate. Exciting, I know. He was extraordinary for two reasons:

1) his name was also Emile. I pointed this out to him, like the weirdo that I am. He just laughed.

2) he grew up in Charlotte, and went to UNC. He graduated a year after me, and now lives in San Francisco. CRAZY!!!

I gave him my phone number whether he wanted it or not. I told him I wasn't hitting on him, I just get really excited when I meet people from NC. I mean, c'mon, the circumstances were too perfect. We have the same exact life! Only, he has a real job, and as he so kindly observed, I am working at Williams-Sonoma. I hurried to correct the seemingly obvious by stating that I'm really the best flutist in San Francisco, people just don't know it yet.

5:08 PM

and then I found $40

... no, really. I found $40 on the ground.

Morally, what should I have done? Given it to the guard at the front desk? Asked random people around the deserted school if they were missing $40?

Well, I kept it. And bought Christmas presents. Merry Christmas to me.

9:44 PM

Tipsy blogging

I just got back from a fantastic dinner with my flute teacher from last year and most of the people that I graduated with in May. We went to an amazing restaurant in a random section of San Francisco and had a blast. We spent 3 hours at dinner, drinking wine, slowly eating our food, and talking about everything imaginable. It's meals like those that really make me appreciate how the Europeans do it.

My teacher, Tim, has made an unspoken deal with his former students that they can either pay him his normal rate for lessons, or they can buy him a really REALLY nice bottle of wine that they paid at least $90 for. I in turn proposed a plan in which I bought two slightly lesser bottles of wine (only $50 each) for the entire table and we had a fabulous meal and I will get a lesson in two days for (kinda) free. I think I got the better end of that, but what are former teachers for?

Despite the uncertainty of the future and the lack of money, I still love my profession and the people in it. Music is truly where I'm supposed to be. It's a good feeling to have.

Deep thoughts by Tipsy Amy.

3:24 PM

At the drop of a hat

There are many disadvantages to being a girl, and there are also many advantages. I usually love the advantages - getting guys to carry heavy things, having doors opened for me, etc.

Today I disliked being a girl because I got into an argument with my boss and instead of calmly stating my case, I was so frustrated that I burst into tears. Tears usually help situations if you're trying to get your way, but in this case, I was still trying to reason and to look like a semi-professional which is really hard to do when your voice fluctuates between three octaves every other word. Oh well, everything was resolved, but I still hated my body for acting that way.

Some people look cute when they cry, but not me. When mixed with frustration, I get splotchy, my mouth makes weird shapes, and the fact that I can't talk normally makes me more frustrated which makes me cry harder.

And now for something completely unrelated: Yesterday I volunteered outside of the windows at Macy's that the SPCA rents for the holiday season. In separate windows are the world's cutest kittens and puppies and my job for 2 hours was to look at the kittens and hold a box that people could drop money into. Who that loves cats wouldn't do that at least once a season? They were so precious and after my shift was over I got to hold one of the kittens that was 2 months old. I zipped him up in my jacket so that only his head was poking out and he settled right down and became a purring machine. cuuuute.

I have internet and TV again. The world is okay, even if I do look like a stupid emotional girl once in a while.