2:57 PM


Wow, it's amazing what a few hours to myself will do to clear up a bad mood. I was on the verge of a breakdown yesterday and have been crying every day for a solid week and was about to be pushed over the edge, but I got off work, modeled for a photo shoot, won a contest, ate out, and took a bath. Then I finished off a pint of ice cream. It was probably the best few hours that I've had in quite a while.

Today everything is going sooo much better and I'm excited about all the new stuff we have at AT that I can buy for concert wear. I figure this stuff that I'm getting now will last me a long time. And black can be worn anywhere...

I gave the car away yesterday and am fortunately borrowing my roommate's or I would be going crazy. Life is going on and there are a lot of decisions to be made, but I'm just taking it one hour at a time now.

I found out a couple of days ago that my restaurant is closing down in May and I'm not sure where I'm gonna go from there or when I'm going to need to search for a new job - I'd like to stay until the final day, but three jobs at once would be quite a lot to handle. However, there's a really really nice French restaurant called Bouchon that I feel would be perfect for me. French customers? No problem! I'll just bust out the rusty second language! I would be in seventh heaven.