3:55 PM

What's up, immune system???

Dear immune system,
I'm not really sure what I did to you to make me deserve this constant sickness, but seriously, I can't believe I'm sick for the FIFTH time this winter. I have pumped you full of vitamin C, I have exercised (maybe not as consistently as I would like, but no one's perfect), and I have treated my body kindly. Please, enlighten me as to what you want from me, because I really can't figure it out!!! I know I was stressed out this last week and I do appreciate you holding off the nasty runny nose until after my audition, but I think I've paid my sick dues for the entire year so far. Let's talk and see if we can't work something out- I want to get back to where we were last year, when things were good.


Anonymous said...

Hi i just found you on here!
I was searching my cousin ross's name and found ya! He's the one that died 3 years ago! Ok so this is my relation to him...he is my dad's cousin's son. If that makes sense but i knew him. We got that email three years ago too. my aim is dchanson014