11:10 PM

Blockbuster should have closed down when they saw me coming. It would have been better that way. Because now I just spent the past 4 or so hours watching Grey's Anatomy Season 2. I have an addiction and the only way I can get over it now is to watch more! It's Sex and the City all over again. Thank goodness there are only 2 seasons of GA, though.

Okay, I just want to say that the communication gods totally hate me. I get no calls for a good two weeks except for my parents or someone from work and then on one day I get bombarded by texts and calls, and usually all while I happen to be busy or on the phone with someone else. Why do I not get them all spread out so I can enjoy them? Don't get me wrong, I love feeling popular, so I'm really only semi-complaining. But seriously, this hasn't happened just once - it's like a cycle. Well, I love being busy and today was one of those days except for the past few hours when I was a lazy bum.

I need to stop writing posts late at night. I'm not profound and big words don't come to me. But perhaps they're more amusing, no?


Megan said...

amy, amy, amy... profundity is laaaaaaaaaaame... we can't all be ben humphries with his crazy, intellectual blog.