11:32 PM

Done with finals!

Okay, so I obviously didn't have any finals, but the sense of relief I feel after my last shift for a whole 10 days is pretty much the same feeling as the one I got at Christmas vacation time at school. I now actually have time for myself and getting all my loose ends tied up before I leave on Tuesday.

Reasons I'm Happy:
1. I just bought myself (yes, I couldn't resist one reward for myself even at Christmas time) the James Taylor Christmas CD. It's awesome. Let me know if you want a copy.
2. I'm done with work until Dec. 29th
3. I'm going to make some extra Christmas money babysitting tomorrow.
4. I finished all my recording today!
5. I get to start packing tomorrow
6. It's actually cold out today making the whole Christmas time thing feel more real.
7. Did I mention I love James Taylor?
8. I bought the final gifts on my Christmas list.
9. The countdown to going home has really begun!!

That's all.