2:12 PM

Men are like food

I had an epiphany while eating lunch today. Why are men like food, you ask?

- we (women) crave what's bad for us
- after we've had what's bad for us, generally we feel a little nauseous, and yet quite satisfied
- eventually we'll end up having food that's good for us and realize that it's way tastier than the junk food we ate before. Then we'll wonder why we wasted all that time with french fries, etc.
- then we fall off the bandwagon and crave what's bad for us again
- most people have certain foods they avoid altogether, while others are more adventurous and will try anything once.

Okay, so the analogy is a little stretched. But I liked it at the time.
Plus, I love eating. I'm definitely of the type that will try anything once - except mushrooms. Mushrooms are gross (I sorta see the equivalent as druggies... get it? shrooms??).


Megan said...

ha ha ha.

men and food.


Megan said...
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Anonymous said...

more reasons -
-the right one is delicious
-at a bad moment, they are comforting
-they can satisfy a craving.....

do i sound married, or what?