4:15 PM

I'm like a cat

For all you cat lovers, you've seen the cat that races from room to room and then stops suddenly as if they can't remember exactly what their hurry was. I feel like that today because I raced to the library and was full of purpose for all of the things that I wanted to do on the internet and now I have no idea what I wanted to do.

I feel like there's hope after all for meeting people "my age" aka grad students that are mature here because I went to the beach last night w/ some of my roommates and their friends to watch the 4th of July fireworks and I met some really cool girls that shared a lot of the same interests as me like hiking, sushi, and running. And one of the girls told me that there are lots of people that are grad students living in somewhat quiet places that are looking for the same thing that I am.

Have I mentioned yet that UCSB is a party school? You told me, Christa, but I didn't listen. It's like freshman year all over again only worse because I'm living in a mixture of a hall crawl, a block party, and frat court. That's what Isla Vista is - 10 blocks of college students in dingy apartments that love to party. Woop dee freakin doo.

Since I'm all about symbolism and I used to love to collect key chains, I went and bought one today that is in the shape of a palm tree and has UCSB written on it. The kicker is that the trunk of the palm tree is a bottle opener. Hahahaha.

My #1 goal for the week is to get to the beach. I've been running on the bluffs, but I haven't actually gone and laid out. Can you believe it? I'm in California and I haven't been to the beach yet. This is getting fixed pronto.

I plan on taking my camera with me tomorrow morning to the place that I run every morning because it is SO beautiful. Words can't describe it so hopefully I can get some pictures posted soon.

Bottom line? I'm feeling more comfortable here, getting to know the place, getting a routine and gosh darn it, I'm improving my little butt off on the flute. I've only been playing 3 days and I can tell a difference. I love summer programs.


Amy said...

Check out that incredibly long run-on sentence in the second paragraph.

Megan said...

I love you dearly amy anne sedan!