2:05 PM

The ups and downs

Yesterday was an up. Today was a down. That's how life goes sometimes. But it's only 2:00 - things could change.

I tried to be outgoing and just glom onto some girls/women from the flute program here. Perhaps I shouldn't have "glommed" too much because I think I was a little intense. It's really just because I'm so far behind these people in terms of where they are in their life, which is fine because they're all about 5 years older than me at least. So I'm okay with the fact that I don't fit in - I'm not okay with the fact that I don't have someone to really talk to here yet.

Yesterday I got to talk to Amy Stelling who is this amazing freshman that I met this year. She is the expression of joy and it was so good getting caught up with her. I think I told her a lot of stuff that I haven't told anyone about my time here in California which is just funny since I would never call her my best friend even though she's amazing. Then I got a phone call from Jonathan which also made me happy since he's another one of those people (ahem) that never call, you always have to call them. Let that be a lesson to you.

I'm super worn out from this weekend already. I listened to 8 hours of flute music yesterday and I'm set to do it again today. It doesn't leave a whole lot of free time and I have to decide whether eating or practicing is more important. Usually food wins out - what can I say.

Even though I was exhausted, I went with my roommates to one of their friends houses right on the beach (Del Playa is THE party street). It was fun and I got to flirt like mad. I even gave a boy my number *gasp*. Okay so it was a lot of fun.

Today my old insecurity has come back and I don't really know where it comes from. I think the only explanation is that all these flutists in the program get such affirmation because they actually get to perform in the masterclass but I just have to sit back and listen. Normally this would be fine since I don't have to get nervous and put myself out there but I tend to need a lot of ego-boosting recently. I guess just because I need confidence in something.

Well, I'm taking it day by day. For now it's off to practice and then many more hours of flute masterclasses.


Megan said...

Ahhhh... sorry I'm one of those people that never call. Life is crazy. I love you!!!!